Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
The ideologies of class: social relations in Britain 1880-1950 
Year: 1994 
Call No: SOC 1.1/MAC 
The Feminist Papers: from Adams to de Beauvoir 
Year: 1973 
Call No: GEN 2.1/ROS 
The creation of feminist consciousness: from the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy 
Year: 1993 
Call No: GEN 2.1/LER 
Talking Feminist Institutions: interviews with leading european scholars 
Year: 2002 
Call No: GEN 2.1/MAG 
The gender dimensions of Social Security Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Case studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland 
Year: 2003 
Call No: STU/FUL 
Taking acion: achieving gender equality and empowering women 
Year: 2005 
Call No: STU/TAK 
The Lesbian Couples' Guide: finding the right woman and creating a life together 
Year: 1995 
Call No: GEN 1.1/MAC 
Trough the eyes of a woman: Bible studies on the experience of women 
Year: 1995 
Call No: GEN 2.1/ROB 
The soul beneath the skin: The unseen hearts and habits of gay men 
Year: 2002 
Call No: GEN 1.1/NIM 
The other side of silence. Men's lives and gay identities: a twentieth century history 
Year: 1998 
Call No: GEN 1.0/ LOU