
Category: STU [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Extending equality: Trade union actions to organise and promote equal rights, respect and dignity for workers regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity 
Year: 2008 
Call No: STU/PIL 
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families and the free movement directive - Implementation guidelines 
Year: 2008 
Call No: STU/ILG 
Social discrimination of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the CR 
Year: 2003 
Call No: STU/PRO 
Homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the EU member states: part II - The social situation 
Year: 2009 
Call No: STU/EUA 
Raport de cercetare privind discriminarea de gen in piata muncii 
Year: 2009 
Call No: STU/BNS 
The equal rights review: Promovarea egalitatii ca un drept fundamental al omului si un principiu de baza al justitiei sociale 
Year: 2009 
Call No: STU/EQU 
Libertatea presei in Romania 2014-2015 
Year: 2015 
Call No: STU/GAN 
Libertatea de exprimare si noul cod civil 
Year: 2015 
Call No: STU/MIH 
Raport: Drepturile omului in Moldova/Report: Human rights in Moldova 
Year: 2014 
Call No: STU/MOL 
Ordonanta de protectie: Raport de evaluare a implementarii prevederilor Legii 45 cu privire la ordonanta de protectie in republica Moldova in perioada 2008-2011 
Year: 2012 
Call No: STU/POS