
Category: SOC [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Sistemul penitenciar in Romania 1995-2004=The penitentiary system in Romania 1995-2004 
Year: 2005 
Call No: SOC 3/SIS 
Sisteme de sanatate in tranzitie. Romania 
Year: 2000 
Call No: SOC 1.0/VLA 
Sexul vinde: aventura mass-media, de la reprimare la obsesie 
Year: 2006 
Call No: SOC 1.2/STR 
Sexual orientation: a human right: an essay on International Human Rights Law 
Year: 1995 
Call No: SOC 3/HEI 
Sexual orientation, gender identity and International Human Rights Law: practitioners guide no.4 
Year: 2009 
Call No: SOC 3/INT 
Sexual orientation and human rights: the United States Constitution, the European Convention, and the Canadian Charter 
Year: 1995 
Call No: SOC 3/WIN 
Sexual abuse and violence - Psychological, social, cultural and legal aspects of the sexual rights/Abuz si violenta sexuala - perspective psihologice, sociale, culturale si juridice 
Year: 2000 
Call No: SOC 1.0/ABU 
Serialele pentru tineri: o abordare psihosociologica 
Year: 2004 
Call No: SOC 1.0/BRA 
Selected material from Sociology, vol.2, 7th edition 
Year: 2001 
Call No: SOC 1.1/SCH 
Year: 1998 
Call No: SOC 1.1/DAV